Quality | FACTIVITY MES Software
Paperless factory process within FACTIVITY extends to the capture of quality data at operations that require non-production information to be captured. This might include
- Die and Tool serial numbers used at the operation
- Quality measurements for internal or customer requirements
- Set-up check sheets for verification of operator procedures
- Parametric data capture of machine settings
- MRB material review board for validation and disposition of WIP materials
- Production measurement for non-conformance

The data collected is created in a drop and drag visual template builder system that is part of the Documents Module add-on to the basic required shop floor data collection and MES system…the Shop Floor Workbench. Templates allow free form placement and creation of data fields.
The data captured can be manual or from some measurement device or directly from a machine. All data is time stamped along the Lot or ID of the Job. This information is stored in our FACTIVITY system and can be searched, sorted and displayed through the FACTIVITY report writer tools, ODBC or via spreadsheet output.