MES Intelligence to Drive Performance
Manufacturing companies today realize that factory floor data collection is simply not enough to stay competitive. There’s a growing need for real-time visibility and real-time solutions.
Easy-to-use information tools can help management optimize schedules, eliminate bottlenecks, minimize scrap, shrink downtime, and maximize machine (OEE) and labor assets.
This functionality is offered in the FACTIVITY MES. Using a customizable factory floor user interface (UI), FACTIVITY MES software will improve your production process, lower costs, and improve on-time delivery.
Actionable, Real-Time Factory Floor Visibility
More about Factivity
Factivity MES is used in 16 countries worldwide
8 Modules can be tailored to meet your specific needs
Factivity has been a leader and innovator in information systems solutions since 1984
What Customers Say About Factivity
…Scrap reporting is critical – especially in medical industry. Factivity has great out of the box reports about scrap, in an easy to read, graphical manner.
Thank you very much for writing this program!!! This is a huge deal for us. You don’t even know how big of a deal it is. It is going to make a day and night difference in our use of materials…
The direct connection Factivity provides to the machines on the factory floor is critical to helping manage our production performance.
…Factivity helped us go from anecdotal to hard, actionable data we could use to improve and measure plant performance against.
Factivity provides us $200k in recurring labor savings while reducing our set-up times significantly.
Our Recent White Papers

Do you really know what you know? Food for thought to keep your OEE project on the right track.

How can your business benefit from the Internet of Things?

Not knowing about the issues surrounding this technology can cost your factory plenty!
Don’t let these OEE myths lead to operational mistakes and poor performance.
Watch this video today.
Download literature about Factivity’s Shop Floor MES
Recent Updates

This Spring at the QAD MWUG Conference
Meet with Factivity this Spring Join Factivity at the MidWest User Group (MWUG) conference for QAD users on March. 23rd

This Fall at the QAD SEUG Conference
Meet with Factivity this Fall Join Factivity at the SouthEast User Group (SEUG) conference for QAD users on Oct. 15th in

QAD MidWest User Group Meeting – Fall 2024
Meet with Factivity this Fall Email us in advance to set up an appointment at your convenience. We look forward