WIP Manufacturing Software | FACTIVITY MES

Visibility to WIP work in process is the reason to have an advanced Shop Floor Data Collection System and manufacturing Execution software system. FACTIVITY makes all factory floor activities visible. But not just visible, it makes them controllable by applying error proofing technology in the hands of the people that are touching the products you make! And along with verification of materials is the ability to tag and/or create unique lots, serial and other numbers that allow specific data identification of containers and tags throughout the production process:


  • Raw materials and components
  • Sub-assemblies
  • Completions at each operation
  • Outsourced processes and
  • Finished goods completions

Too often, factory floor and specifically machine focused systems leave out the labor content of production. And in automated machine areas, many times a person can be “working” more than one job at a time. Via our unique “Time Slice” technology, FACTIVITY can account for a person’s time accurately even when they work on more than a single job at a time. No more paper base job cards and time tickets. And beyond accounting is the ability to account for the person’s WIP time activities with analytics to identify best practices and areas of production and process improvements.


  • Operators activity on the job
  • Labor time tracking
  • Production reporting by operator
  • Scrap tracking with reason codes
  • Supervisors visibility to each operator and job

Automation from such well-known vendors as Siemens and Rockwell, can provide visibility on a machine(s) but limit the visibility to the Work-in-Process. Knowing the machine status and performance for OEE potentially creating an island(s) of automation while missing the bigger picture of managing the shop activity. Customer delivery in a timely manner requires that the entire production process, not just the machine, is tracked and managed and analyzed for continuous improvement. Real WIP management demands that all the work in process from raw materials consumption to customer delivery is tracked real-time with an MES like FACTIVITY.


  • Scheduled Time projected by part
  • Optimized sequencing of the jobs
  • Compliance to the Schedule
  • Capture of OEE
    • Availability of the asset verses downtime
    • Performance against expected rated speeds
    • Quality to measure scrap by asset with reason

The true definition of paperless production is having the information necessary to make parts without a paper based job packet. That is, delivery of part and job-related information is delivered on demand at the touch of a button. Tying this information in an electronic documents folder is an add-on module to complement the FACTIVITY Shop Floor Module.


  • Set-up instructions
  • Work instructions
  • Quality Documents
  • Parts programs
  • Customizable template

MES Myths and Mistakes...

Not knowing about the issues surrounding this technology can cost your factory plenty!

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